Thursday, January 07, 2010


I'm back

I'm back.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


It starts with a word…

I’m beginning a blog today.

I used to be a writer. I used to write almost everyday. For me, writing has always been a torturous experience. Even as I start facing the blank whiteness of this wordprocessor, my stomach starts contracting, and an uncomfortable warmth begins to grow on my neck, below my ears. The empty page is so intimidating, and words come out slowly.

I want to start writing again. I want the words to come out quicker, easier. Like all things, writing is a skill, and the more I practice, the more I get better, and the easier it ought to become.

I’m a graduate student in economics. Basically, they’ll be lots of writing in my future, and I’m not even talking about being a working economist. Specifically, I’m talking about the dissertation.

This is the number one purpose why I want to start writing again. I want to begin writing about economic topics that interest me. I want to develop the discipline to write short, effective essays about economics, hopefully generate ideas, if not entire chapters, for my dissertation.

So the plan is, to start writing about economics once a week. Anything. I need to instill the discipline to begin writing what is supposed to be my contribution to the science of economics. The best way to begin is just to begin. Think about a topic, and work on it, until you can’t work on it anymore. The whole world interests me, and economics is an interesting perspective on which to view the world.

So this is the primary purpose of this blog. But there are other things I want to write about, and I will. I once read Paul Krugman’s advice on writing about economics: talk to the gentiles. That means, I should talk about what interests me about the world generally, and that will lead to inspiration about economics. I think that advice is correct.

The other purpose of this blog, is so I can sort my personal life. Over the course of this blog, I will post a fictionalized version of my life, think of it as “A million little pieces” for the graduate school set. The fact that it is fictionalized makes it more fun for me; I’ve always wanted to be a creative writer. Perhaps there’s a movie or TV idea I can develop on this blog. Also, I’m very uncomfortable baring my soul to the world. This is a happy compromise. In fact, I can be blunt here, and only here in this introductory entry – I am hugely dissatisfied with my life. I feel I’ve been searching for something for all of my life. Whats frustrating is not only is my target so elusive, I don’t even know what my target ought to be.

More on this later. But now its begun. And for now, that’s all that is important.

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